​​The March 2022 West Point cadet cocaine scandal prompted me to support STARRS, write for publications that oppose the current military’s policies, and help found the MacArthur Society. At the same time, rising concerns with poor leadership and the medical industrial complex prompted me to begin writing about medicine and health as well.
As a veteran and physician, I am passionate about ensuring that the nation's treasure of young men and women is not wasted in endless losing wars. As the father of a special needs son, I am acutely aware of the cost of healthcare and the fears patients have navigating our health care system for themselves and their loved ones.
This is not about politics. This is not about money. This is not about religion. I embrace everyone from all demographics (race, gender, religion, political leanings, sexual identity/orientation. I believe in science and am not a vaccine denier. I am not a MAGA hat wearer. I have voted for more than one political party in my lifetime. I do however believe that money and power can corrupt anyone and leaders can stray from their ethical roots as they climb the ladder of success and responsibility. I wish to help make our military more effective (ie stop losing wars) and to make our nation healthier.
My writings and recommendations are not personal, but to achieve change they must understandably be direct and candid.
The stakes are too high. 2,459 American military lives were sacrificed in the lost Afghanistan war The lives of our soldiers and the health of our nation are far too important to be passive.
MacArthur Society (1st President)
Guest Speaker on multiple concerned veteran shows
President, American Medical Association (AMA)
President, American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP)
President, American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
Superintendent, USMA (LTG Gilland)
President, USMA AOG (COL (ret) Mark Bieger
2022 West Point DEI Conference
Letter Campaign
To help USMA cadets from getting expelled over COVID vaccine
2023 - American Doctor - Coming Home to War (book)
2025 - West Point's Cult of DEI (book)
Creative Destruction Media/Armed Forces Press
American Thinker
Epoch Times​
Called attention to biased researchers of 2022 Ivermectin trial that were mocking Ivermectin while they were actively collecting data
One of only a few West Point grads to receive a hand-written note from West Point Superintendent regarding his policies
Below photo taken by me Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery June 2024 during a trip to France to commemorate 80th Anniversary D-Day